Automatic hinged doors
Hinged doors combined with a door operator ensure barrier-free access in public areas, the workplace and at home. For barrier-free passages Hörmann provides steel fire-rated doors as well as fully glazed fire-rated door in combination with door operator HDO 200/300 and internal doors in combination with internal door operator PortaMatic.

Get a general overview

Internal doors with door operator PortaMatic

With the PortaMatic, internal doors are easily operated automatically via hand transmitter or buttons. A wide variety of functions and settings make it extremely flexible. An added value – the slim design without an additional sensor strip. The high safety of the low-energy operation makes the PortaMatic an ideal door operator for homes, offices, hospitals, doctors` practices and hygienic areas, for example.*
The PortaMatic is the most inexpensive operator of its class and perfectly suited for retrofitting. *For certain groups of users, such as older persons or persons needing assistance as well as small children, the use of the operator must be tested for each individual case. For further information, please see the PortaMatic product page.
Fully glazed fire-rated doors with door operator HDO 200 / 300

The steel and stainless doors STS / STU and the multi-function doors OD are suited for barrier-free passages with fire-rated doors. These doors are available as a perfectly matched system of door and operator. They feature convenient opening via a button, radar and movement detector, as well as operating elements with BiSecur radio technology, such as hand transmitters.
The automatic hinged doors are available as complete packages with an integrated smoke sensor control and sensor slide rail for a sophisticated look.
Fully glazed fire-rated doors with door operator HDO 200 / 300

Automatic hollow profiled section doors support transparent barrier-free passages that also comply with fire protection requirements. Our glazed aluminium fire-rated and smoke-tight doors are already available from the factory with a suitable operator.
You can conveniently operate the automatic doors by button, radar and movement detector, as well as Hörmann operating elements with BiSecur radio technology, such as the convenient hand transmitter, for example.